A 15-lea Congres EFSM & Conferința Națională a ACPR 2020
Afisari: 1387Perioada si locatie: 28 aprilie - 1 mai 2020, Grand Hotel Italia Cluj-Napoca
Our Federation consolidates through a process of maturation, which is substantially founded upon the quality and number of contributions of the member nations. Such a contribution is brought, keeping each specific cultural makeup, within a common language and in the interest of a shared cultural and operational purpose.
In the wish to continue the tradition of organizing very successfull congresses, the European Federation of Societies for Microsurgery is honored to invite microsurgeons from all over the world to attend it’s 15th annual Congress, which will be organized in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, between April 29 – May 1, 2020.
This edition’s Scientific Program clearly expresses this assumption: it deals with the realizations in the field of microsurgery done by prominent World microsurgeons. The program, including instructional courses, panels, conferences, free papers will cover all the fields of modern microsurgery. We will try to bring together microsurgeons with long standing experience, which will offer pearls of their wisdom and creativity to the young and enthusiastic colleagues.
In the attempt to strengthen the development of our Federation, we want to offer the same facilities initiated by 14th EFSM Congress held in Belgrade:
- Free accomodation for residents;
- Organization of a three days Basic Microsurgical Workshop, with free attandance;
- Organization of a „best case, best saved” session;
- Editing and publishing of a Special Issue in Injury Jurnal;
- Editing and publishing an Instructional Course Book.
Cluj-Napoca – the welcome host of our congress and the capital of Transylvania, which is already famous for the Dracula Castle – is nowadays the second biggest town in Romania, and is wellknown for its cultural richness and hospitality.
Therefore, I am certain that the Congress will be rich and fruitful in each of its aspects, both scientific as convivial. On behalf of the EFSM Council, we are looking forward to see you in Cluj Napoca, to share this wonderful scientific and social event!
Congress Co-President
Prof. Alexandru Valentin
Georgescu, M.D., PhD
Congress Co-President
Prof. Dr. Marko Bumbasirevic
The European Federation is founded upon the participation and integration of the national microsurgery societies members. It is the vocation of this secretary to recognize the work of each society and promote an approach and collaboration with all of them.
The Federation must preserve, be sensitive and respect all different cultural profiles of the European geography, and act as a link. Only through teamwork, we will be able to strengthen all the scientific projects and progress together.
I am convinced that this event will be a turning point in the project of federation. In my opinion, EFSM must be at the service of the societies and in close relationship with all of them.
I am certain that we will have a wonderful scientific and social program. The congress will be a unique opportunity to meet old and new colleagues. On behalf of the EFSM Council, we look forward to welcoming you in Cluj-Napoca.
Secretary General of EFSM
Alex Muset
As president of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons I am honored to be partner in the 15th Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Microsurgery, in April 28-May 1, 2020.
The event will ensure our members advocacy for patient safety, and will provide the participants with practical support, educational resources and many other opportunities to improve the quality of care for plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive microsurgery patients.
I am looking forward to meet you in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
President of ACPR
Assoc. Prof. RADU JECAN
Pentru inregistrare click AICI.
Management organizatoric
+40 720 557 772