Al II -lea Congres Național de Podiatrie, Bucuresti
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2018 Congress of Podiatry is the 2nd international, interdisciplinary diabetic foot congress organized in Romania by the Association of Podiatry. The congress has the intention to put together physicians from different fields of medicine, from different specialties, all of them involved in foot care, especially in diabetic foot care, for developing the multidisciplinary team so necessary for foot care. The congress has also the intention to put together physicians and nurses for developing the real team in the benefit of the patients.
The main course of the congress is designed for the wide spectrum of generalists and specialists who diagnose and manage the diabetic foot. Didactic talks, panel discussions, Q&A sessions, specialty symposia and workshops will delve into diagnostic and interventional strategies for diabetic foot ulcers and amputation prevention. Featuring a world-renowned international faculty, 2018 Congress of Podiatry offers the opportunity to review state-of-the-art concepts and techniques.