Al IV-lea Congres Național de Alergologie si Imunologie Clinica 2019
Afisari: 1597„Noi directii in alergologie - abordare interdisciplinara”
Dear collegues and friends,
I therefore hope to see, inform and inspire you in Sinaia in May 2019!
The core framework of the congress will be the scientific programme, which will present the best in science and educational sessions from distinguished clinicians and researchers from across the globe. Covering key topics in allergic diseases, RSACI Congress provides a multidisciplinary forum for allergists, pulmonologists, ENTs, dermatologists, pediatricians, clinical immunologists and primary care physicians. I look forward to welcoming participants and friends from around the world in Sinaia, where we will continue our educational mission in allergy and clinical immunology.
This year, the theme of the Congress will be „New directions in allergy: an interdisciplinary approach”.
It is my great pleasure, on behalf of the Local Committee of the Romanian Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (RSACI), to invite you to the 4th RSACI Congress which will take place on 16-18 May 2019 in Sinaia, at the International Hotel Congress Center.
Roxana Silvia Bumbacea, RSACI President
Perioada: Joi 16 mai - Sâmbătă 18 mai, 2019
Locație: Hotel Internațional Sinaia
Strada Avram Iancu 1, Sinaia 106100, Romania
Temele principale
Alergia medicamentoasă
Alergia alimentară
Rinită și astm
Alergene moleculare în diagnosticul alergologic
Romania Travel Plus SRL
Address: 56, Tudor Stefan St., Bucharest 1, Romania
Phone: +40 021 230 4282
Ioana Lăzărescu