Congresul Asociației Române de Anestezie Regională Ediția a V-a, 2020

Afisari: 1306

Perioada si locatie: 18 - 22 martie 2020, Grand Hotel Italia Cluj-Napoca

Dear friends,
It is my great honor to welcome you for the fifth edition of ARAR annual meeting. Famous lecturers from all around the word are joining us in our effort to provide you with state of the art lectures, debates, workshops and clinical demonstrations. The key of the event is interactivity. We increased the number of pro-con debates, interactive sessions and hands-on workshops. We are proud to acknowledge the participation of the team lead by Prof Dr. Radu Badea who will teach us how we can use ultrasonography in other clinical situations in our daily practice. We included as a national premiere workshops about fluoroscopy use in interventional pain procedures provided to you with the help of medical simulators. During the congress day you can benefit from the unique opportunity to attend VIP workshops – a new concept we are introducing to allow you to benefit from private training with the lecturer of your choice.
Dan Sebastian Dîrzu,
ARAR president
Organizational committee coordinator

Pentru inregistrare click AICI.

Management organizatoric
+40 720 557 772
