Cursul Româno-German de Neurochirurgie 2020
Afisari: 1435Perioada si locatie: 23 - 24 aprilie 2020, Golden Tulip Ana Dome Hotel Cluj-Napoca
Dear friends,
We are happy to announce that the 24th edition of the Romanian-German Course is already on its way. The theme of this upcoming edition is Spine and will aim at offering tips and tricks on the varied spine pathology from the perspective of both the experienced practitioner and that of the new therapeutic guidelines.
The Romanian-German Course originally started as a small gathering of Romanian and German colleagues debating thoughts on the most pressing neurosurgical issues. As with each edition, the meeting gained momentum while growing its visibility and addressability to a larger audience.
No matter the topic, each course naturally gave answers but, most noteworthy, gave birth to more interesting questions. And, in time, relationships also grew stronger as colleagues became family.
It is thus our greatest pleasure to invite you to become a part of our neurosurgical family. Between 23-25 April 2020, we will be your host for three exciting days of science mixed with friendly get-togethers. The event will take place at the already familiar Golden Tulip Ana Dome Hotel in Cluj-Napoca and we hope to see you there too.
Looking forward to welcoming you,
Prof. Ioan-Ștefan Florian, M.D, Ph.D
Course Co-President
Dear Students, dear Residents, dear Neurosurgeons,
I would like to invite and welcome you to the next edition of the Romanian-German Neurosurgical Course with the special topic: Spine.
Spine is a very important part of neurosurgery in our daily work. Especially degenerative spine diseases are getting more and more important with the demographic changes of our societies. And we should deliver the best treatment!
The course has already a long tradition with up-dating our knowledge, presenting state of the art but also demonstrating different techniques of solving cases in our daily clinical routine
Besides the lectures, we will have enough time for discussions and we encourage you to participate in those discussions – as a German saying: “There are no stupid questions but it is stupid not to ask.”
Last but not least the course and the evening events are very good opportunities for networking and making new friends.
We thank Prof. S. Florian for inviting us again to this marvelous meeting!
Don’t miss the course!
Sincerely yours,
Prof. Uwe Kehler, M.D, Ph.D
Course Co-President
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Management organizatoric
+40 721 331 353