SOROT 2021 Virtual Congress
Afisari: 896Perioada: 19 – 22 October 2021, online
Dear SOROT Friends,
I have the honor, together with the Executive Committee of the Romanian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (SOROT), to invite you to participate to the XIXth SOROT Virtual Congress, taking place 19 – 22 October 2021.
Given the fact that the living, learning, and working conditions have changed, and we are experiencing special conditions now, we continue exploring and embracing the opportunities of the virtual meetings.
We are looking forward to meeting everyone at the Congress, in a brand-new 3D Configuration, that is meant to be a preamble to future onsite events that will take place in the near future. As individuals strive to learn and develop themselves continuously, the online world with its resources is the most advanced way to receive information and to communicate with other persons. We live in the era of technology and AI, so we need to adapt our learning process to the new realities. SOROT is dedicated to offering qualitative scientific content by bringing together renowned national and international speakers in the field of orthopedics-traumatology.
It is our pleasure and joy to invite you to be a part of this event!
Professor Tiberiu Bățaga, MD, PhD, SOROT President
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